1Qloud for quantum-inspired optimization solutions with most advanced hardware

1Qloud platform is focused on optimization including reformulating optimization problems into the quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) format necessary to compute with quantum annealing processors and similar devices from organizations such as Fujitsu, D-Wave, Hitachi and NTT, while their QEMIST platform is focused on advanced materials and quantum chemistry research with universal quantum computing processors.

The 1Qloud platform is a computational bridge that connects intractable industry problems to novel quantum-inspired optimization solutions that utilize the most advanced hardware. Its hardware-agnostic approach enables operations researchers, data scientists, and developers to harness the power of advanced computing resources and novel algorithms without the need to learn the intricacies of each individual hardware platform or to manage complex and expensive computing infrastructure.

Graph-Based Molecular Similarity (GMS) tool is being used by pharmaceutical companies to perform virtual screening and assist in drug discovery. This tool outperforms current techniques, such as fingerprints, in achieving higher retrieval rates in virtual screening.

Quantum-Inspired Hierarchical Risk Parity (QHRP) method is used for  optimizing portfolios, which  uses quantum-inspired technology and advanced hardware accelerators to outperform conventional methods with respect to a variety of risk measures in addition to lowering susceptibility to inaccuracies in the input data.

Advanced Routing and Scheduling Platform helps to  harness quantum-inspired hardware and novel formulations in order  to solve your complex mobility problems, optimize your manufacturing tasks, or improve your home healthcare scheduling.

1QBit is a quantum computing software company, which  develops general purpose algorithms for quantum computing hardware, the organization is primarily focused on computational finance, materials science, quantum chemistry, and the life sciences. It has established hardware partnerships with Microsoft, IBM, Fujitsu and D-Wave Systems.


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