Category: Quantum Machine Learning

  • Baidu Paddle Quantum

    Baidu Paddle Quantum

     Paddle Quantum machine learning toolkit Chinese internet giant Baidu Inc. has unveiled a new toolkit for quantum machine learning, known as Paddle Quantum. The toolkit,…

  • PennyLane


    PennyLane is a Python 3 software framework for optimization and machine learning of quantum and hybrid quantum-classical computations. The library provides a unified architecture for…

  • TensorFlow Quantum

    TensorFlow Quantum

    TensorFlow Quantum brings together Google’s machine learning and quantum computing initiatives TensorFlow Quantum (TFQ), an open-source library for the rapid prototyping of quantum ML models.…

  • Azure Quantum

    Azure Quantum

    Microsoft recently announced a new Azure cloud service offering called Azure Quantum. Azure Quantum is a set of quantum services, quantum hardware and servers, SQK,…