• Koalas


    Koalas project makes data scientists more productive when interacting with big data, by implementing the pandas DataFrame API on top of Apache Spark. pandas is…

  • Dask


    Dask is an open source library for parallel computing written in Python. Dask is a library composed of two parts. It includes a task scheduling…

  • Apache Spark

    Apache Spark

    Apache Spark is a data processing framework that can quickly perform processing tasks on very large data sets, and can also distribute data processing tasks…

  • Tableau


    Tableau is an integrated business intelligence (BI) and analytics solution that helps to analyze key business data and generate meaningful insights. The solution helps businesses…

  • Qlik Sense

    Qlik Sense

    Qlik Sense is a business intelligence and visual analytics platform that supports a range of analytic use cases. Built on Qlik’s unique Associative Engine, it…

  • Power BI

    Power BI

    Power BI is a business analytics service by Microsoft. It aims to provide interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities with an interface simple enough for…

  • Folium


    Folium is a powerful data visualisation library in Python that was built primarily to help people visualize geospatial data. With Folium, one can create a…

  • Amazon launched Kendra, machine learning-powered service for enterprise search

    Amazon launched Kendra, machine learning-powered service for enterprise search

    Amazon Kendra is a highly accurate and easy to use enterprise search service that’s powered by machine learning. Kendra delivers powerful natural language search capabilities…

  • Cirq


    Cirq –  software for writing, manipulating, and optimizing quantum circuits and then running them against quantum computers and simulators. Cirq attempts to expose the details…

  • Azure AML

    Azure AML

    Azure Automated Machine Learning  –  cloud-based environment for  training, deploying, automating, managing and tracking ML models. Automated machine learning picks an algorithm and hyperparameters for…